Bruce H. Braffman, M.D.
Curriculum Vitae
June 16, 1956, Brooklyn, NY
July 1, 1988 – Present
Radiology Associates of Hollywood, P.A.
9050 Pines Blvd, Ste: 200
Pembroke Pines, FL 33024
[1977-1982] – Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY
Doctor of Medicine
[1973-1977] – Yeshiva University, New York, NY
Bachelor of Arts
[1970-1973 ] – Forest Hills High School, Forest Hills, NY
[1986-1988] – Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Fellowship – Neuroradiology
[1983-1986] – Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY
Resident – Diagnostic Radiology
[1985] – Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, DC
Radiologic Pathology
[1982-1983] – Mt. Zion Hospital and Medical Center, San Francisco, CA
Internship – Internal Medicine
Florida, Georgia, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania – Active
1995 American Board of Radiology – Added Qualifications in Neuroradiology
1986 American Board of Radiology – Diagnostic Radiology
1982 National Board of Medical Examiners
American College of Physician Executives
American College of Radiology
American Medical Association
American Society of Neuroradiology, Senior Member
Broward County Medical Association
Florida Radiological Society
Radiologic Society of North America
Southeastern Neuroradiological Society
1988-Present: Memorial Healthcare System, Hollywood, FL, Neuroradiologist
1990-Present: University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, FL, Director of Neuroradiology
1986-1988: Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, Clinical Assistant Professor of Radiology, Instructor
1997-Present: Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography
1996-Present: American College of Radiology, Manuscript Reviewer
1990-Present: American Journal of Neuroradiology, Expert Panel on Neuroimaging
1997: 35th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Neuroradiology, Manuscript Reviewer
1996: 34th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Neuroradiology, Scientific Abstract Reviewer
1995: Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, Scientific Abstract Reviewer
1991,1993,1996: American Journal of Neuroradiology, Guest Manuscript Reviewer
1989: National Institute On Aging, Received Honors in Reviewing
Grant Reviewer of Application No. 1 T32 AG00195-01
“Geriatric Training For Clinical Neuroscientists”
1. Cranial Nerves III, IV, VI: A Clinical Approach To The Evaluation Of Their Dysfunction; Neurosurgery Grand Rounds, University Of Miami School Of Medicine, Miami, Florida, February, 1989
2. MR Imaging Of Tuberous Sclerosis: Insights Into The Pathogenesis Of This Phakomatosis And Use Of Gadopentetate Dimeglumine; Neuroscience Grand Rounds, University Of Miami School Of Medicine, Miami, Florida, October, 1992
3. Neuroradiology Of Low Grade Gliomas; Contemporary Neurosurgery Symposium, Jointly Sponsored By The Florida Neurosurgical Society, The University Of Florida, Gainsville Department Of Neurological Surgery, And Memorial Regional Hospital, Hollywood, Division Of Neurological Surgery, Palm Beach County, Florida, December, 1994
4. MRI Of The Aging Brain And Neurodegenerative Disorders. Cranial Nerves III, IV, VI: Anatomy, MRI And Pathology. MRI Of The Phakomatoses; All three lectures presented at: Neuroradiology, A Comprehensive Review, University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine, Office of Continuing Medical Education, Palm Beach, Florida, February, 1995
5. The Aging Brain And Neurodegenerative Disorders; Core Curriculum Course In Neuroradiology At The Thirty-Third Annual Meeting Of The American Society Of Neuroradiology, Chicago, April, 1995
6. MR Imaging Of Tuberous Sclerosis: Pathogenesis Of This Phakomatosis, Use Of Gadopentetate Dimeglumine, And Literature Review; Twenty-First Annual Meeting Of The Southeastern Neuroradiological Society, Sea Island, Georgia, September, 1997
1. Braffman, BH – The Aging Brain And Neurodegenerative Disorders.
Neuroimaging: Clinical And Physical Principles, Zimmerman RA, Gibby W, Carmody R,Springer Verlag, In Press
2. Lexa FJ, Trojanowski JQ, Braffman BH, Atlas SW – The Aging Brain And Neurodegenerative Diseases
In: Atlas SW (ed):Magnetic Resonance Imaging Of The Brain And Spine, 2nd Edition, Lippincott-Raven Press, NY, 1996:803-870
3. Braffman BH – Neurodegerative Disorders
In Kucharczyk J, Moseley M, Barkovich AJ (eds):Magnetic Resonance Neuroimaging, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Ann Arbor, London, Tokyo, 1994:217-243
4. Naidich TP, Zimmerman RA, McLone DG, Raybaud C, Altman NR, Byrd SE, Braffman BH – Congenital Malformations Of The Spine And Spinal Cord
In Manelfe C (ed):Imaging Of The Spine And Spinal Cord, Raven Press, New York, 1992:621-703
5. Braffman BH, Trojanowski JQ, Atlas SW – The Aging Brain, Neurodegenerative Disorders, And Related Disease
In Atlas SW (ed):MR Imaging Of The Brain And Spine, Raven Press, NY 1990:567-624
6. Braffman BH, Bilaniuk LB, Zimmerman RA – The Central Nervous System Manifestations Of The Phakomatoses On MR
The Radiologic Clinics Of North America,.1988; 26:773-800
7. Braffman BH, Bilaniuk LB, Eagle RC Jr, Savino PJ, Hackney DB, Grossman RI, Goldberg HI, Zimmerman RA – MR Imaging Of A Carcinoid Tumor Metastatic To The Orbit
Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography, 1987;11(5):891-894
8. Braffman BH, Zimmerman RA, Rabischong P – Cranial Nerves III, IV, VI: A Clinical Approach To The Evaluation Of Their Dysfunction
Seminars In Ultrasound, CT and MR 1987; 8(3):185-213
9. Braffman BH, Zimmerman RA, Trojanowski JQ, Gonatas NK, Hickey WF, Schlaepfer WW – Brain MR: Pathologic Correlation With Gross And Histopathology. I. Lacunar Infarction And Virchow-Robin Spaces
American Journal of Neuroradiology 1988; 9:621-628; American Journal of Radiology 1988; 151:551-558
10. Braffman BH, Zimmerman RA, Trojanowski JQ, Gonatas NK, Hickey WF, Schlaepfer WW – Brain MR: Pathologic Correlation With Gross And Histopathology. II. Hyperintense White Matter Foci In The Elderly
American Journal of Neuroradiology 1988; 9:629-636; American Journal of Radiology 1988; 151:559-566
11. Grossman RI, Braffman BH, Atlas SW, Goldberg HI, Silberberg DH, Gonzales-Scararro F – Gadolinium Enhancement In Multiple Sclerosis: Repeat Study Of Patients With Definite Multiple Sclerosis; Radiology 1988; 9:1093-1099
12. Braffman BH, Grossman RI, Goldberg HI, Stern MB, Hurtig H, Gollomp S, Hackney DB, Bilaniuk LT, Zimmerman RA – MR Of Parkinson’s Disease With Spin-Echo And Gradient-Echo Sequences
American Journal of Neuroradiology 1988; 9:1093-1099; American Journal of Radiology 1989; 152:159-165
13. Stern MB, Braffman BH, Hurtig H, Skolnick B, Grossman RI – MR Imaging In Parkinson’s Disease And Parkinsonian Syndromes
Neurology 1989; 39:1524-1526
14. Packer RJ, Bilaniuk LT, Cohen BH, Braffman BH, Obringer AC, Zimmerman RA, Siegel KR, Sutton LN, Savino P, Meadows AT – Intracranial Visual Pathway Gliomas In Children With Neurofibromatosis; Neurofibromatosis 1988; 1(4):212-222
15. Braffman BH, Grossman RI, Shah A, McCallister TW, Price TRP, Gyulai L, Atlas SW, Hackney DB, Goldberg HI, Bilaniuk LT, Zimmerman RA – MR Imaging Prior To An Following Eletroconvulsive Therapy In Patients With Major Affective Disorder (a)
American Journal of Neuroradiology 1988; 9:1033
16. Braffman BH, Bilaniuk LT, Zimmerman RA – MR Of Central Nervous System Neoplasia Of The Phakomatoses
Seminars In Roentgenology 1990; 25(s):198-217
17. Atlas SW, Braffman BH, LoBrutto R, Elder DE, Herlyn D – Human Malignant Melanomas With Varying Degrees Of Melanin Content In Nude Mice: MR Imaging, Histopathology, And Electron Paramagnetic Resonance
Journal Of Computer Assisted Tomography 1990; 14(4):547-554
18. Naidich TP, Altman NR, Braffman BH, McLone DG, Zimmerman RA – Cephaloceles And Related Malformations
American Journal of Neuroradiology 1992; 13:655-690
19. Altman NR, Naidich TP, Braffman BH – Posterior Fossa Malformations; American Journal of Neuroradiology 1992; 13:691-724
20. Braffman BH, Bilaniuk LT, Naidich TP, Altman NR, Post MJD, Quencer RM, Zimmerman RA, Brody BA – MR Imaging Of Tuberous Sclerosis: Pathogenesis Of This Phakomatosis, Use Of Gadopentetate Dimeglumine, And Literature Review
Radiology 1992; 183:227-238
21. Braffman BH – Invecchiamento Cerebrale E Patalogia Neurodegenerativa. Rivista Di Neuroradiologia
Organo Ufficiale Dell’associazone Italiana Di Neuroradiologia 1993; 6:121-134
22. Braffman BH, Naidich TP – The Phakomatoses: Part 1. Neurofibromatosis And Tuberous Sclerosis
Neuroimaging Clinics Of North America 1994; 4:299-324
23. Braffman BH, Naidich TP – The Pahkomatoses: Part 1. Von Hippel-Lindau Disease, Sturge-Weber Syndrome, And Less Common Conditions
Neuroimaging Clinics Of North America 1994; 4:201-240
24. Molleston MC, Braffman BH – Pits, Patches, And Protuberances: Number 1. Challenge And Resolution
International Journal Of Neuroradiology 1995; 1:39-43
25. Braffman BH, Naidich TP, Chaneles M – Imaging Anatomy Of The Normal Orbit
Seminars In Ultrasound, CT, and MRI 1997; 18:403-412
1. MRI Using SE And GRASS Techniques Of Parkinson’s Disease And Parkinsonian Syndromes; Braffman BH, Grossman RI, Goldberg HI, Stern MB, Hurtig H, Gollomp S, Hackney DB, Bilaniuk LT, Zimmerman RA; Twenty-Fifth Annual Meeting Of The American Society Of Neuroradiology, New York, May, 1987
2. MR Of Discrete Foci Of Hyperintensity On Long TR Images: Correlation With Gross And Histopathology; Braffman BH, Zimmerman RA, Trojanowski JQ, Gonatas NK, Hickey WF, Schlaepfer WW; Twenty-Fifth Annual Meeting Of The American Society Of Neuroradiology, New York, May, 1987
3. Gadolinium Enhancement In Multiple Sclerosis: Repeat Study Of Patients With Definite Multiple Sclerosis; Grossman RI, Braffman BH, Atlas SW, Goldberg HI, Bilaniuk LT, Silberberg DH, Gonzalez-Scararro F; Seventy-Third Scientific Assembly And Annual Meeting Of The Radiological Society Of North America, Chicago, November, 1987
4. Repeat Gadolinium MRI In A Series Of MS Patients; Brorson J, Braffman BH, Grossman RI, Silberberg D, Gonzalez-Scararro F; Fortieth Annual Meeting Of The American Academy Of Neurology, Cincinnati, April, 1988
5. Magnetic Resonance Imaging In Parkinson’s Disease And Parkinsonian Syndromes Using Spin-Echo And Gradient-Echo Techniques; Stern MB, Braffman BH, Hurtig HI, Grossman RI; Fortieth Annual Meeting Of The American Academy Of Neurology, Cincinnati, April, 1988
6. MR Imaging Prior To And Following Electroconvulsive Therapy In Patients With Major Affective Disorders; Braffman BH, Grossman, RI, Shah A, McCallister TW, Price TPR, Gyulai L, Atlas SW, Hackney DB, Goldberg HI, Bilaniuk LT, Zimmerman RA; Twenty-Sixth Annual Meeting Of The American Society Of Neuroradiology, Chicago, May, 1988
7. MR Imaging Correlates Of Parkinson’s Disease And Parkinsonian Syndromes; Stern MB, Braffman BH, Hurtig H, Grossman RI; Ninth International Symposium On Parkinson’s Disease, Jerusalem, Israel, June, 1988
8. Neurologic And Magnetic Resonance Imaging Abnormalities In Symptomatic And Asymptomatic Children With Neurofibromatosis Type I: Incidence And Significance; Cohen BH, Packer RJ, Braffman BH, Bilaniuk LT, Zimmerman RA, Obringer A, Zachai EH, Meadows AT; Seventeenth Annual Meeting Child Neurology Society, Halifax, Nova Scotia, September, 1988
9. Human Malignant Melanomas In Nude Mice: MR Imaging Correlations With Histopathology And Electron Paramagnetic Resonance; Atlas SW, Braffman BH, LoBrutto R, Elder DE, Herlyn D; Seventh Annual Meeting And Exhibition, Society Of Magnetic Resonance In Medicine, San Francisco, CA, August, 1988; Seventy-Fourth Scientific Assembly And Annual Meeting, Radiologic Society Of North America, Chicago, November, 1988
10. MR Imaging Of Tuberous Sclerosis: Insights Into The Pathogenesis Of This Phakomatosis And Comments On The Usefulness Of GD-DTPA; Braffman BH, Bilaniuk LT, Naidich TP, Altman NR, Post MJD, Livingston PA, Quencer RM, Zimmerman RA; Seventy-Fifth Scientific Assembly And Annual Meeting, Radiologic Society Of North America, Chicago, November, 1989
11. EXHIBIT: MR Imaging Of Patients With Major Affective Disorder; Braffman BH, Grossman RI, McAllister TW, Price TPR, Gyulai L, Hackney DB, Goldberg HI, Bilaniuk LT, Zimmerman RA, Sixth Annual Meeting And Exhibition Of The Society Of Magnetic Resonance In Medicine, New York, August, 1987